July 26/27: Grandparents’ Pilgrimage

Grandparents and grandchildren are invited to join the Grandparents’ Pilgrimage to be held in Fatima the weekend of July 26/27. All are invited to take part in the Rosary and Candlelight Procession on Saturday night…

08 july, 2008

National Missionary Pilgrimage

Organized by the Missionary Institutes Ad Gentes, a Missionary National Pilgrimage is being held this weekend (July 4/5) at Fatima. According to Fr. José Luís Pimenta, with the organizers, they are expecting 20,000 people for…

03 july, 2008

Course of Liturgical Music in Fatima

Organized by the National Service of Sacred Music and the National Secretariat of Liturgy, and sponsored by the Shrine of Fatima, a course of Liturgical Music will have its first classes between the 18th and…

01 july, 2008

International Anniversary Pilgrimage of July

The 23rd World Youth Day, the largest youth event in the Catholic world, being held this year in Sidney, Australia, with the presence of the Holy Father, was mentioned at Fatima, on the morning of…

01 july, 2008

July 13: Oratorio on the Apparitions of Fatima performed in Algarve

The next performance of the Oratorio on the Apparitions of Fatima "‘Fatima, Sign of Hope for Mankind’" is scheduled for this July 13, this time in Algarve, more precisely in ‘Pavilhão da Arena’, Portimão. Admission…

30 june, 2008

Memorial to Jacinta in Ourém

On June 13, 2008, anniversary of the second apparition of Our Lady at Fatima and also anniversary of the enthronement of the statue of Our Lady in the Little Chapel of Apparitions, a Memorial to…

14 june, 2008

Anniversary Pilgrimage of June

The Anniversary Pil-grimage of June 12/13 was presided over by the Most Rev. António Couto, Auxiliary Bishop of Braga. Theme: “O Lord, who shall sojourn in your tent? He who slanders not with his tongue”.…

28 may, 2008

Shrine of Fatima is joining the Day of Prayer for the Church in China

The Shrine of Fatima is joining the Day of Prayer for the Church in China which Holy Father Benedict XVI has called for May 24. The announcement was made on the afternoon of May 12,…

24 may, 2008

Centennial of the Birth of Francisco Marto

The Shrine of Fatima started celebrating on June 10, 2008, the second day of the Children"s Pilgrimage to Fatima (always held on June 9/10), the Centennial of the Birth of Francisco Marto, the Little Shepherd…

19 may, 2008

‘Way of Light’ inaugurated in Fatima

In Fatima, on June 2, a Via Lucis (Way of Light), composed of 14 panels representing the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, will be inaugurated in the zone of Reconciliation of Most Holy Trinity Church. The…

12 may, 2008

Cardinal Saraiva Martins will preside over the May PilgrimageOn May 12/13, 2008

On May 12/13, 2008, the Portuguese Cardinal His Eminence Joseph Saraiva Martins, Prefect of the Congregation for the Cause of Saints, will preside, at the Shrine of Fatima, over the International Anniversary Pilgrimage commemorative of…

01 may, 2008

Leiria-Fatima celebrates Vocational Jubilee at the Shrine of Fatima

The Bishop of Leiria-Fatima, Most Rev. António Marto, has invited the couples, priests, religious and other consecrated persons of the Diocese who in 2008 complete 25, 50 and 60 years of vocation to a common…

03 april, 2008

Reverend Fr. Virgilio Antunes named Rector of the Shrine of Fatima

Fr. Virgilio Antunes has been named by the Most Rev. António Marto, Bishop of Leiria-Fatima, Rector of the Shrine of Fatima. The new Rector, named by the Bishop of Leiria-Fatima for a mandate of five…

02 april, 2008

Secil Engenharia 2007 Prize Awarded to Most Holy Trinity Church

Secil Engenharia Ci-vil (CivilEngineering) 2007 Prize, promo-ted by Secil Com-panhia Geral de Cal e Cimento, SA (General Company of Lime and Cement) and by the Board of Engineers, was a-warded to Most Holy Trinity Church,…

12 march, 2008

More than 199,000 Confessions in 2007

Chapel of Reconciliation More than 199,000 Confessions in 2007 at the Shrine of Fatima Fatima is more and more sought as a place of encounter with God’s Mercy Taking into account that the year 2000’s…

03 march, 2008

February 20: Liturgical Feast of Blesseds Francisco and Jacinta Marto

Children Blessed at Fatima on Feast Day of Blesseds Little Shepherds At the Shrine of Fatima, on the morning of February 20, day of the Liturgical Feast of Blesseds Francisco and Jacinta Marto, which coincides…

18 february, 2008

VI Annual Blessing of the Cyclist

Organized by the Cyclists Union of Leiria, cyclists from all over Continental Portugal pilgrimaged to Fatima on January 28, 2008, for the VI Annual Blessing of the Cyclist. ...

14 january, 2008

Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception

December 7 21h00 – ROSARY in Little Chapel and CANDLELIGHT PROCESSION towards Most Holy Trinity Church, followed by Hymn ‘Akathistos’ (sung) December 8 10h00 – ROSARY in Little Chapel 11h00 – MASS in Prayer Area…

13 december, 2007


In the light of these significant anniversaries, I invite every man and woman to have a more lively sense of belonging to the one human family, and to strive to make human coexistence increasingly reflect…

11 december, 2007

XX National Encounter of Pastoral Health Ministry

- Good Practices at the Service of the Person - The 20th National Encounter of Pastoral Health Ministry, planned and organized by the National Committee for Pastoral Health Ministry, was held in Fatima, on the…

29 november, 2007

Holy Father greets the pilgrims of Fatima

November 13, during the Mass of the Monthly Pilgrimage in the Shrine of Fatima, the Bishop of Leiria-Fatima, who presided over the celebration, conveyed to the pilgrims present the greeting and blessing of the Holy…

13 november, 2007

Shrine of Fatima expressed solidarity

This morning (Nov. 6), at the Shrine of Fatima, during the official Mass of 11h00 in the Basilica, Shrine’s Chaplain Fr. Clemente Dotti prayed for the fatal victims of yesterday night’s accident in Highway 23,…

06 november, 2007

International Pilgrimage of July

The International Pilgrimage on the 90th Anniversary of the third apparition of Our Lady in Fatima was presided over by Archbishop Jorge Ortiga, of Braga. Theme: Jesus Christ, the Face of Mercy “Be compassionate, as…

04 july, 2007


14 mar 2025

Mass, in Portuguese, in the Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima

  • 07h30

Rosary, in the Chapel of the Apparitions

  • 12h00
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