January 4 – Collection at all Masses for the Church in India

On January 4, day in which the Church celebrates the Lord’s Epiphany, the collection during the Masses at the Shrine of Fatima will be for the Church in India.At 15h00 there will take place the…

15 december, 2008

Pilgrimage of December

12th 21:00 - International ROSARY in Little Chapel, followed by Candle Procession. 13th 10:00-International Rosary, in the Little Chapel. 11:00-International Mass, in the Church of the Most Holy Trinity.

09 december, 2008

Christmas celebrations at the Shrine of Fatima

In renewed joy and hope brought about by the birth of Our Savior, the Shrine of Fatima, like in previous years, offers a special welcome to pilgrims who intend to stay in or visit Fatima…

25 november, 2008

Days of Prayer ‘Praying with Blessed Francisco Marto’

From November 29 thru December 1, at the Shrine of Fatima there will take place days of prayer organized by the Movement of the Message of Fatima. Titled ‘Praying with Francisco Marto’, these days will…

25 november, 2008

Pilgrimage of November

12th 21:00-International ROSARY in Little Chapel, followed by Candle Procession.13th10:00-International Rosary, in the Little Chapel.11:00-International Mass, in the Church of the Most Holy Trinity.

06 november, 2008


Nov. 1: Sunday’s schedule: 10h00 – ROSARY in Little Chapel 11h00 – HOLY MASS in Most Holy Trinity Church 17h30 – SUNG VESPERS in Basilica Nov. 2: 11h00 – HOLY MASS in Most Holy Trinity…

28 october, 2008

National Convention of Former Seminarians

The Fist National Convention of Former Seminarians, an initiative of the Shrine of Fatima, organized by the Shrine, the associations of former seminarians and the Portuguese Federation of Alumni of Catholic Schools, in cooperation with…

22 october, 2008

April 2009: Fist National Conven-tion of Former Seminarians

The Fist National Convention of Former Seminarians, an initiative of the Shrine of Fatima, organized by the Shrine, the associations of former seminarians and the Portuguese Federation of Alumni of Catholic Schools, in cooperation with…

21 october, 2008

October Pilgrimage

Cardinal Backis asks Christians to listen to the voice of God in order to change the destine of Europe During Holy Mass on the morning of the 13th, the Cardinal fulfilled his promise to pray…

01 october, 2008

September 25: New Rector takes over

Fr. Virgílio do Nascimento Antunes, the newly appointed Rector of the Shrine of Fatima, took over his new job on Thursday, September 25. The ceremony of investiture was held during the 11h00 Mass in the…

25 september, 2008

Every Sunday: Pipe Organ Concerts at the Prayer Area

Every Sunday, up to the last weekend in October, in the Prayer Area of the Shrine of Fatima, a Pipe Organ Concert is held. Each concert of the Pipe Organ of the Prayer Area of…

24 august, 2008

Anniversary of the Fourth Apparition of Our Lady

The 4th apparition of our Lady of Fatima occurred on August 19, 1917, at Valinhos, distant about 500m from the Village of Aljustrel, because, on the 13th , the children had been kidnapped by the…

16 august, 2008

September’s Anniversary Pilgrimage

“Jesus is the Truth that frees us”. With these words Cardinal Martino summed up, during his homily, his reflection on the importance of living and seeking the truth. “Dear brothers and sisters, Jesus, light of…

15 august, 2008

International Anniversary Pilgrimage of August 12/13

The Most Rev. Kamwenho, Archbishop of Lubango, Angola, presided over the August 12/13 Pilgrimage to the Shrine of Fatima, which coincided with the Pilgrimage of the Migrant and the Refugee. At the International Mass on…

13 august, 2008

President of Timor visits Fatima

It was an honor and a joy for the Shrine of Fatima to welcome, on the morning of July 26, 2008, the visit of the President of Timor, Dr. Ramos Horta, former recipient of the…

26 july, 2008

July 21/25

The National Secretariat of Liturgy is holding in Fatima, at Paul VI Pastoral Center, the XXXIV NATIONAL ENCOUNTER OF LITURGICAL PASTORAL MINISTERY. The general theme proposed to the participants is: The Most Holy Trinity in…

20 july, 2008

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament was moved to Most Holy Trinity Church.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at the Shrine of Fatima was moved, on the afternoon of July 13, during the Procession of the Blessed Sacrament, to the Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament, in Most Holy…

16 july, 2008

July 19/20: Pilgrimage of Movement of Message of Fatima

The Movement of the Message of Fatima (MMF) makes its pilgrimage to Fatima this weekend of July 19/20. ‘Listen to God and live in the Truth’ is the motto of this National Pilgrimage, which is…

08 july, 2008

July 26/27: Grandparents’ Pilgrimage

Grandparents and grandchildren are invited to join the Grandparents’ Pilgrimage to be held in Fatima the weekend of July 26/27. All are invited to take part in the Rosary and Candlelight Procession on Saturday night…

08 july, 2008

National Missionary Pilgrimage

Organized by the Missionary Institutes Ad Gentes, a Missionary National Pilgrimage is being held this weekend (July 4/5) at Fatima. According to Fr. José Luís Pimenta, with the organizers, they are expecting 20,000 people for…

03 july, 2008

Course of Liturgical Music in Fatima

Organized by the National Service of Sacred Music and the National Secretariat of Liturgy, and sponsored by the Shrine of Fatima, a course of Liturgical Music will have its first classes between the 18th and…

01 july, 2008

International Anniversary Pilgrimage of July

The 23rd World Youth Day, the largest youth event in the Catholic world, being held this year in Sidney, Australia, with the presence of the Holy Father, was mentioned at Fatima, on the morning of…

01 july, 2008

July 13: Oratorio on the Apparitions of Fatima performed in Algarve

The next performance of the Oratorio on the Apparitions of Fatima "‘Fatima, Sign of Hope for Mankind’" is scheduled for this July 13, this time in Algarve, more precisely in ‘Pavilhão da Arena’, Portimão. Admission…

30 june, 2008

Memorial to Jacinta in Ourém

On June 13, 2008, anniversary of the second apparition of Our Lady at Fatima and also anniversary of the enthronement of the statue of Our Lady in the Little Chapel of Apparitions, a Memorial to…

14 june, 2008


27 jan 2025

Mass, in Portuguese, in the Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima

  • 07h30

Rosary, in the Chapel of the Apparitions

  • 12h00
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