The Holy Father reaffirms that in the Church there is a place for everyone, without exception.
03 august, 2023
In the Little Chapel of the Apparitions, 112 young people and 128 attendants will be present.
02 august, 2023
Six years ago, in Fatima, the Supreme Pontiff presented himself as a pilgrim of light, hope and peace
02 august, 2023
Speaking at the Belém Cultural Centre, the Holy Father called for “paths of peace” and “bridges of understanding”.
02 august, 2023
They represent about 100 organisations from 26 countries
02 august, 2023
He thanked the Pontiff for his presence at WYD, “a celebration of the Church, always renewed and always young”
02 august, 2023
Six days after leaving the Shrine, the Image has been placed in the Church of St Thomas Aquinas, in Lisbon
01 august, 2023
The moment took place yesterday at the Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary, through the hands of the Superior General of the Discalced Carmelite Order, who highlighted Lucia's “humility, obedience and ecclesial sense”.
01 august, 2023
The exhibition inaugurated today wants visitors to be witnesses and perpetuators of the history of light, the central value of Fatima.
01 august, 2023
The Philippine Cardinal urges young people not to be afraid to present themselves to God as they are, without cosmetics or aesthetics.
01 august, 2023
Philippine Cardinal recalls Our Lady's request at Fatima to pray for the conversion of hearts in order to achieve peace.
01 august, 2023
The programme includes the presence of Pope Francis in Fatima, on Saturday 5 August, where he will pray with young people with disabilities and young prisoners.
01 august, 2023
The longest visit by a Pope to Portugal and the shortest ever to Fatima.
01 august, 2023
This morning, thousands of young people of different nationalities gathered in assembly at Cova da Iria to celebrate Mass, on their way to WYD Lisbon 2023. José Ornelas presided and asked them to serve the…
31 july, 2023
This space offers a dining area, tents for sleeping and free bathrooms and showers. It will be permanently available until 10 August.
31 july, 2023
The WYD day of the Diocese of Leiria-Fatima gathered more than 10,000 young people in Leiria today, in a programme that celebrated the faith, joy and the diversity of the Church.
29 july, 2023
Immersive exhibition looks at the event of Fatima from the point of view of light
28 july, 2023
Less than a week before World Youth Day, many young people want to come and experience Fatima.
27 july, 2023
In an initiative promoted by the Corpo Nacional de Escutas (CNE), young Portuguese, French, Rwandan, Haitian and Madagascan scouts set off for Lisbon, accompanied by Our Lady of Fatima.
27 july, 2023
Catechesis on the Fatima event is given daily in the Basilica of the Most Holy Trinity in English, French, Spanish and Italian.
25 july, 2023
“Fatima, a Breath of the Spirit” is the title of the new animated film that tells the story and the event of Fatima to young people.
25 july, 2023
Pope Francis will pray before the world-famous Portuguese Marian icon on two consecutive days: on 5 August in Cova da Iria and on 6 August in Lisbon.
19 july, 2023
The space is being set up to welcome young people in the context of WYD Lisbon and will be available from 22 July.
14 july, 2023
Prayer and cultural itineraries have been prepared specifically for young people travelling to Cova da Iria for WYD Lisbon 2023, and are available from today at
11 july, 2023