Simposio 2014 Envolvidos no amor_cartaz.jpg


Involved in God´s love for the world. Experience of God and human responsibility  | 2014

From May 30th to June 1st ,  2014 

Hall of the Good Shepherd | Pastoral Centre Paul VI

Integrated on the program of the 4th cycle of the thematic itinerary for the Centennial of the Apparitions of Fatima, the Theological Pastoral Symposium Involved in God´s love for the world. Experience of God and human responsibility meant to promote reflection on some thematic nuclei related to Our Lady of Fatima apparition to the three little shepherds in July 1917. In this sense, there were themes approached such as, the mystery of God in its mercy and justice, God as a present interpellation in the human search for sense and nuclear dimension of the believing existence, the cristian hope in the definitive encounter with God, love as the nuclei of God´s experience and cristian life, the current challenges to the pastoral of Reconciliation, and Mary as an icon of the mercy of God.




27 sep 2024

Mass, in Portuguese, in the Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima

  • 07h30

Rosary, in the Chapel of the Apparitions

  • 12h00
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