Preliminaries observationsa) The accreditation is individual and personalized; therefore, when a media organization sends a crew to the Shrine, it should require the accreditation for each of its members and indicate the crew’s coordinator, who will be the interlocutor in the Shrine. b) Access to several places is only possible in the presence of an element of the Press Service or a security guard of the Shrine; appointment is required. c) In order to better schedule and prepare the reception of media professionals, the accreditation has to be requested always in advance, from Monday through Friday. d) Throughout the year, a number of pastoral, social, cultural, among others, initiatives take place in the areas of the Shrine but the organization doesn’t depend on the institution. The temporary accreditation does not authorize immediately the journalistic monitoring of these initiatives. For that monitoring, the journalist must request an authorization at the entity that promotes the initiative. e) The media professionals should do their work avoiding becoming a reason of distraction for the pilgrims in the different contexts of the Shrine, mainly during any celebration. The silence and retreat environment are fundamental in this Shrine. |
Prohibited areasThe accreditation of journalists does not guarantee automatic access to all areas of the Shrine. Except if there is a specific request and its respective authorization of the Rectory, the media organizations are prohibited in the following areas:
Procedure for temporary accreditationIn order to be granted a temporary accreditation, journalists should provide (by mail, post or in person) the Press Service with the following information:
Permanent accreditationThe permanent accreditation of journalists and media professionals is an instrument, delivered by the Shrine of Fatima, to those who have developed a regular and consistent journalistic work in the last two years. The permanent accreditation, by means of an identification card delivered by the institution, allows the journalist to have a direct access to specific areas, without having to present himself at the Press Service for accreditation. This accreditation is personal and non-transferable. Although permanent, it should be renewed every two years through a request from the journalist to the Press Service. |
Applicable conditionsa) The card is valid in the public areas of the Shrine of Fatima and during the celebrations or events organized by the Shrine and in which the presence of media is allowed. The presence of media is not allowed in internal meetings and other places or events. b) The permanent accreditation does not guarantee direct access to places or events organized by an external institution; the journalist must present a request at the organization that promotes the event. c) For the monitoring of certain event or celebration, the Shrine of Fatima may decide to grant other type of accreditation, which will be announced in due time. d) In case a journalist, with permanent accreditation, wants to access to a place or an event usually prohibited, for a specific work, his request must be explicitly presented to the Press Service for evaluation and decision of the Rectory. e) The media professionals should do their work avoiding becoming a reason of distraction for the pilgrims in the different contexts of the Shrine, mainly during any celebration. The silence and retreat environment are fundamental in this Shrine. |
Prohibited areasEven with a permanent accreditation and except a specific request and its respective authorization of the Rectory, the media organizations are prohibited in the following areas:
Procedure for permanent accreditationEach journalist must present the request for a permanent accreditation at the Press Service by providing (by mail, post or in person) the following information:
NotesThe institution reserves the right to decide autonomously on the deliverance of permanent accreditation only to professionals who have a regular and significant presence in the Shrine of Fatima, either by the number of works carried out or by the number of accreditations in the last two years.
ContactsDepartamento de Comunicação | Sala de Imprensa |