

Daily steps

This May, Fatima challenges you to go on a more essential pilgrimage: an inner path that may take you far away within yourself, towards the shrine in your innermost where God is present for you. Making yourself a pilgrim by the heart is trying to live inwardly what the pilgrimage experience causes and fulfils. Fatima is calling you. Despite not being able to come to the Shrine this May, come with us on this inner pilgrimage, day by day. And place a lit candle by your window every night.



Get your heart ready to leave

Today, praying with the heart as the little shepherds have prayed led by the Angel, get ready to leave. And the Lady of the pilgrims shall open Her Immaculate Heart to you and in it She shall give you shelter and by it She shall open a path for you to your God.

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Do not be afraid.
Do you want to be free?

Let us follow, line for line, the story of the apparition of May 13, so that you can live it deeply, as a pilgrim by the heart. Today, do not be afraid. Open up your freedom to God.

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Free for commitment

Recalling Lucia’s account of the May apparition, we shall find out how much God respects the freedom of man and which is the way He chooses to reveal Himself. Today, be ready to listen to the request for a committed relationship.

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Longing for heaven, with Francisco

Recalling Lucia’s account of the May apparition, we shall find out how much God respects the freedom of man and which is the way He chooses to reveal Himself. Today, try longing for heaven, with Francisco.

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Broaden out heaven, with Jacinta

Recalling Lucia’s account of the May apparition, we shall find out how much God respects the freedom of man and which is the way He chooses to reveal Himself. Today, broaden out your heart to the longing for heaven for all, with Jacinta.

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Partake in the redemption

Recalling Lucia’s account of the May apparition, we shall find out how much God respects the freedom of man and which is the way He chooses to reveal Himself. Today, you are called to find out Christian vocation at its uttermost: partaking in the redemption.

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With the comfort of the grace of God

Recalling Lucia’s account of the May apparition, we shall find out how much God respects the freedom of man and which is the way He chooses to reveal Himself. Today, facing the mystery of the sufferings, you are called to open yourself to the grace of God.

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See yourself in the light which is God

Recalling Lucia’s account of the May apparition, we shall find out how much God respects the freedom of man and which is the way He chooses to reveal Himself. Today, you are called to see yourself in the light which is God.

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The fountain and the way

Recalling Lucia’s account of the May apparition, we shall find out how much God respects the freedom of man and which is the way He chooses to reveal Himself. Today, get close to the fountain and receive your nourishment from the way.

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The Rosary every day for world peace

Recalling Lucia’s account of the May apparition, we shall find out how much God respects the freedom of man and which is the way He chooses to reveal Himself. Today, open up yourself to the novelty of the Rosary.

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06 mar 2025

Mass, in Portuguese, in the Chapel of the Death of Jesus

  • 15h00

Rosary, in the Chapel of the Apparitions

  • 18h30
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