Jornadas 2006 Ninguem espera_cartaz.jpg


No one expects me? Or the history of institutionalized children  | 2006

From June 2 to 3 , 2006

Hall of the Good Shepherd | Pastoral Centre Paul VI

The National Conference No one expects me? Or the history of institutionalized children – the last ones organized in the context of the 90th anniversary of the apparitions of Fatima – sought to study the drama of the children who arrive to houses that shouldn’t have to exist, to deepen the motivations for which the Church always dedicated a special attention and to create a space of dialogue between all of those who participate in this educational space. With particular importance for those who care and seek to raise society’s awareness for this urgent problem, that waits for the commitment and actual love of everyone, had in their origin, not only the conscience of the contemporary nature of this thematic, but also the fact that children are the main protagonists of the Fatima’s event.




27 sep 2024

Mass, in Portuguese, in the Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima

  • 07h30

Rosary, in the Chapel of the Apparitions

  • 12h00
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