

The Lady of the Rosary won’t give up asking the little shepherds to “pray the rosary every day”. The reason of the insistence in this prayer points out to the kernel of the Message of Fatima which is clearly implied in the Rosary beads: Fatima recalls the biblical character of a God with a merciful heart (Jer 4,19) who meets mankind, thirsty of rescuing it and willing to provide fullness of joys. The prayer of the Rosary also focuses on that ultimate promise, the triumph of Mercy that the life of Christ, evoked in the mysteries of the Rosary, came to inaugurate.

Requested in all the apparitions of Our Lady – as we can tell by the first questioning to the seers –, the Rosary is the prayer learned in the school of Mary. It educates us through the humility of faith, according to the style of that unique Lady, with her fiat, made of her own life a total gift, and treasured up all the gestures, every word of Jesus, “and pondered them in her heart” (Lk 2,19). To meditate on the mysteries of the life of Christ, in the way of Mary, is to allow us to be shaped by the presence of God, like she did. Opening up with the doxology to the Most Holy Trinity – in other words, it becomes evident in the Rosary that Christ’s redeeming work is to place us in the horizon of the adoration to God.



26 mar 2025

Rosary, in the Chapel of the Apparitions

  • 12h00

Mass, in Portuguese, in the Chapel of the Apparitions

  • 12h30
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