Congresso 2006 Figuras do Anjo_cartaz.jpg


The Angel Images revisited | 2006

From October 10 to 12, 2006

Hall of the Good Shepherd | Pastoral Centre Paul VI

The celebrations of the 90th anniversary of the Angel Apparitions in Fatima launched the challenge of rethinking the cristian angelology under the light of the contemporary cultural context. The International Theological Congress The Angel Images revisited set to point some clues, within possible others, not just to stimulate the theological reflection, but also clues to a theme that comes up in the highpoints of our daily lives: the angelic images and their enigmas. To develop a few ideas in the theme range, the congress wasn’t limited to appeal to the traditional cristian reflection about angels, instead it tried to frame it in the contemporary culture, especially from sociological analyses and the appreciation of current artistic expressions. It was clear the reflexive and pragmatic potential that one of these themes can have nowadays, providing, with developed studies and future ones, a humble but important service to the critical reading of our social life, in Portugal and across borders.




27 sep 2024

Mass, in Portuguese, in the Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima

  • 07h30

Rosary, in the Chapel of the Apparitions

  • 12h00
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