16 may, 2016

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Shrine of Fatima promotes the Theological and Pastoral Symposium about the gift of life

Reflection meeting will take place in June 24 to 26, 2016, in Good Shepherd's Hall, Paul VI Pastoral Centre

The Shrine of Fatima promotes in June 14 to 26 the Theological and Pastoral Symposium, in the context of the celebration of the Centennial of the Apparitions, in Good Shepherd's Hall, Paul VI Pastoral Centre.

The Symposium, that follows the thematic itinerary that aims at preparing this celebration, focuses, as usual, on the theme of the Pastoral Year of the Shrine of Fatima, making it explicit with “I came that they may have life”. The life that sprouts from God in the course of History. 

During these two days and half, one will try to reflect on fundamental dimensions of "life in fullness" that the Christian event enables as a gift and experience, as a promise to accomplish and a hope to meet.

Under the three perspectives of the thematic guidelines – “received”, “celebrated” and “given” life -, the Symposium will reflect, first of all, on the gift of new life that the Gospel of Jesus announces and offers and that the action of his Spirit (also the Spirit of the Father) updates in each time and in every place, at the same time that the task of human construction, necessarily involved in receiving this gift, is underlined.

In this context, the care for life seems to be an evangelical requirement that demands the response of human freedom.

In a second moment, the Symposium tries to reflect on the "celebrated" life, by analyzing the existential meaning inherent to the Christian celebration, and by discovering elements that make emerge what life is in all its deepness.

The Symposium will also try to approach the question of mercy in the perspective of gift and donation. The life, that roots itself in the merciful love of God, is translated into "giving”, for free, with nothing in return. The Encyclical of Pope Francis Laudato Si (Praise be to you, my Lord) will be a base for the works about human reality, namely regarding the integral ecology and life care from its vulnerabilities.

The Symposium will start to look at the message of Fatima. The opening and closing session will count with the presence the bishop of Leiria-Fatima, Mgr. António Marto, the Rector of the Shrine, Fr. Carlos Cabecinhas and the president of the symposium, José Eduardo Borges de Pinho.

Among the national and international renowned lecturers in Theology and Social and Human Sciences are Crispino Valenziano, Bernard Pottier, Francesc Torralba, Sean O´Malley, Cettina Militello, Joaquim Teixeira, Alexandre Palma, Bernardo Corrêa d’Almeida, José Pedro Angélico, João Alberto Correia, Miguel Almeida and Pedro Valinho Gomes (see program).

At the first day of the works, a cultural evening session will take place by visiting the places of the apparitions.

A previous inscription to the Symposium is required. Please contact the SHRINE OF FATIMA Secretariado do Centenário das Aparições de Fátima – Simpósio de 2016, Apartado 31 2496-908 Fátima or by filling the online form.

The Symposium is organized by the Shrine of Fatima with the support of the radio station Rádio Renascença.

Theological and Pastoral Symposium: Program

« I came that they may have life »

The life that sprouts from God in the course of History. 

From June 24 to 26, 2016

Good Shepherd's Hall, Paul VI Pastoral Centre

Shrine of Fatima

Friday, June 24th

The received life

8:30 am – Opening of the Symposium reception

10:00 am – Opening session | Mgr. António Marto, Carlos Cabecinhas, J. E. Borges de Pinho

1st Session | Moderator: Marco Daniel Duarte

10:30 am – Conference I: « The afflictions of poor humanity ». An anthropologic reading from the Message of Fatima | Alexandre Palma

11:20 am – Discussion

11:30 am – Break

12:00 am– Conference II: Life in abundance in the light of the event of Jesus | Bernardo Corrêa d’Almeida

1:00 pm – Lunch

2nd Session |Moderator: Carmo Rodeia

3:00 pm – Conference III: Life: the gift of God and the human construction | Joaquim Teixeira

3:50 pm – Discussion

4:10 pm – Break

4:30 pm – Panel I | The care of life as an evangelical requirement

. For an integral ecology – Strengthening on Laudato si |António Martins

. The care of life in vulnerability |Francesc Torralba

5:30 pm – Debate

6:00 pm – End of the session

6:30 pm – Eucharist, Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima

9:30 pm –Cultural Evening: visit to the places of the Apparitions. Centennial of the Apparitions of the Angel.

Saturday, June 25th

The celebrated life

3rd Session | Moderator: Rosário Lira

9:00 am – Prayer

9:15 – Conference IV: «We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life» |Bernard Pottier

10:15 am – Debate

10:30 am – Break

11:00 am – Panel II: In search of the profundity of life

. The Christian joy as a gift of the Holy Spirit and human path of life | Miguel Almeida

. The Christian meaning of feast |Carlos Cabecinhas

. Feast and pilgrimage |José Pedro Angélico

12:00 am – Debate

1:00 pm – Lunch

4th Session | Moderator: José Carlos Carvalho

3:00 pm – Conference V: The celebrated life: the existential meaning of the Christian celebration | Crispino Valenziano

3:50 pm – Debate

4:10 pm – Break

4:30 pm – Panel III: The mercy as source of life

. The Works of Mercy. To Gain life by the gift of oneself | Cettina Militello

. «As we forgive those who trespasse against us»: the (difficult) gift of a regenerated life| Pedro Valinho Gomes

5:30 pm – Debate

6:00 pm – End of the session

6:30 pm – Vespers, Chapel of the Death of Jesus

Sunday, June 26th

The life given

9:00 am – Eucharistic, Basilica of Most Holy Trinity

5th Session| Moderator: João Duarte Lourenço

10:30 am – Conference VI: «My soul, give praise to the Lord» – ‘Magnificat’ as a sign for a believer life |João Alberto Correia

11:20 am – Break

11:40 am – Conference VII: The Church at the service of the fullness of life | Cardinal Sean O’Malley

12:30 pm – Closing of the Session | Mgr. António Marto, Carlos Cabecinhas, João Duarte Lourenço

Folding Flyer



23 feb 2025

Mass, in Portuguese, in the Basilica of the Most Holy Trinity

  • 15h00

Rosary, in the Chapel of the Apparitions

  • 16h00
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