It was an honor and a joy for the Shrine of Fatima to welcome, on the morning of July 26, 2008, the visit of the President of Timor, Dr. Ramos Horta, former recipient of the Nobel Peace Award.
This visit to Fatima was for the Timorese Chief of State like a private pilgrimage in thanksgiving to Our Lady of Fatima for sparing his life after the assassination attempt he suffered on February 11 of this year, Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes.
On the occasion of the ceremony held by Msgr. Luciano Guerra, Rector of the Shrine of Fatima, to welcome the Timorese group, Mr. Ramos Horta wrote on the Book of Honor of the Shrine: “It is with much emotion that I come to Fatima in pilgrimage to thank the Most Holy Virgin for sparing my life, so that I can continue serving my people in particular and mankind in general”.
Mr. Ramos Horta, who came to Fatima accompanied by Bishop Ximenes Belo, was received by the Rector of the Shrine, prayed in the Little Chapel of Apparitions and participated in a Mass celebrated in Most Holy Trinity Church.
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