12 october, 2010

October Pilgrimage recalls Mary as Star of Evangelization
The Archbishop of São Salvador da Bahía, Brazil, His Eminence Geraldo Majella Cardinal Agnello, presided over the International Anniversary Pilgrimage of October 2010 at the Shrine of Fatima, whose theme was: “Be intent on things above” (Cl 3, 2).
In his homily of the Mass of the 13th, the Cardinal spoke extensively on the expressions of Marian devotion that exist a little throughout the world: “Mary, Mother of Jesus Christ and of His disciples, has been near us, has taken us under Her protection, has cared for us under Her maternal protection. We have asked Her, as Mother, perfect disciple and catechist of the Evangelization, to teach us to be Her children in Her Son and to do whatever He tells us. The Virgin Mary is the splendid image of conformity to the project of Most Holy Trinity, which is fulfilled in Christ. From Her Immaculate Conception up until Her Assumption, She reminds us that the beauty of the human being consists entirely in the bond of love with the Trinity and that the fullness of our freedom consists in our positive response to It”.
And he concluded in form of prayer: “May the always close company of Most Holy Mary, full of understanding and love, help us! May She show us the blessed Fruit of Her womb and teach us to answer as She did in the mystery of the Annunciation and Incarnation.  May She teach us to go out of ourselves to walk the road of sacrifice, of love and of service, as She did when visiting Her cousin Elizabeth, so that, pilgrims on the way, we may sing the wonders God has done in us, according to His promise”.
The Archbishop of São Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, His Eminence Geraldo Majella Cardinal Agnelo, presides over the International Anniversary Pilgrimage of October 2010, at the Shrine of Fatima.
Speaking to the Press Office of the Shrine of Fatima, through the Internet, Cardinal Agnelo said that “he awaits, with great emotion, the coming 13th of October”.
The Archbishop of São Salvador will be in Fatima at the invitation of the Bishop of Leiria-Fatima, of which invitation he says: “I received with a sentiment of gratitude the invitation of Bishop António Marto, entrusting to me the great responsibility of presiding over the International Pilgrimage of this year. It is a pious filial obligation to exalt the Good Mother of God, Our Lady of Fatima”.
On the Message of Fatima, seven years before the Centennial of the Apparitions (2017), His Eminence believes that the celebration of this event, which begins already on the coming month of November, will be “the time to announce the Peace of which we are called to be messengers, by inviting the world to that conversion often mentioned by Our Lady of Fatima and whose timing is always now”.
His last words were about the Pilgrimage of the Holy Father to Fatima: “I followed with great veneration the Pilgrimage of the Holy Father to Fatima this last May. We are now reflecting on the message of Our Lady in what pertains to conversion and personal sanctification”
The International Anniversary Pilgrimage of October 2010 will be held under the theme: “Be intent on things above” (Col. 3, 2). On October 12 there will be celebrated the Mass of Dedication of the Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima and on the 13th the Mass of Virgin Mary Gate of Heaven.
Up to now (Sep. 28, 11h00), 86 groups of pilgrims have signed up to attend the Pilgrimage, saying they’ll participate in the Mass of October 13, at 11h00, in the Prayer Area.



24 feb 2025

Mass, in Portuguese, in the Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima

  • 07h30

Rosary, in the Chapel of the Apparitions

  • 12h00
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