04 november, 2011

On Nov. 7 thru 10, the Shrine of Fatima receives the 178th General Assembly of the Bishops Conference of Portugal (CEP). The sessions are being held at the House of Our Lady of Sorrows.
These are some of the items on the agenda:
1. Opening speech by the President of CEP
2. Reflection on the mission and operation of CEP
3. Elections to President of Committees and to Delegate of CEP
4. Information on the activities of Episcopal Committees
5. Pastoral Note “Crisis, discernment and commitment”
6. Pastoral Note “Message to Portuguese Youth”
7. “To rethink Pastoral Ministry in the Church in Portugal” and “New Evangelization”
8. Election of delegate Bishops to the Synod of Bishops on “New Evangelization to impart the Christian Faith”.
9. Initiatives to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Opening Session of Council Vatican II



24 feb 2025

Mass, in Portuguese, in the Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima

  • 07h30

Rosary, in the Chapel of the Apparitions

  • 12h00
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