31 may, 2013

Let us pray together for the Church and those who are suffering
The Shrine of Fatima is joining the ecclesial moment of prayer proposed by Holy Father Francis, who has urged all dioceses and Christian communities throughout the world to hold, at the same time, an hour of Eucharistic adoration next Sunday June 2, Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ.
Two are the special prayer intentions proposed by Pope Francis: 1) to pray “for the Church spread throughout the world” and 2) “for all those who, in different parts of the world, suffer new forms of slavery or are victims of war, traffic of people, the drug trade and slave labor; still for children and women subject to any kind of violence”.
The Shrine of Fatima gladly accepts the invitation of Pope Francis by holding a moment of Eucharistic adoration next Sunday June 2, in the Little Chapel of Apparitions, between 16h00 and 17h30. 17h30 will be the beginning of a Eucharistic Procession from the Little Chapel of Apparitions to the Prayer Area.
Let us pray together for the Church and all those who are suffering.



23 feb 2025

Rosary, in the Chapel of the Apparitions, and candle procession in the Prayer Area

  • 21h30
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