03 august, 2016


International Centennial Congress challenges investigators to Think Fatima

Initiative takes place from June 21 to 24, 2017

The Shrine of Fatima will promote, from June 21 to 24, 2017, the International Congress of the Centennial of Fatima which intends to challenge investigators from different fields of knowledge to think about the phenomenon and message of Fatima in a multidisciplinary perspective.  

“Dedicated to the theme “To Think Fatima – Interdisciplinary Readings”, the Congress counts with the collaboration of the Faculty of Theology of the Portuguese Catholic University, following the already promoted symposiums within the range of the Centennial of the Apparitions of Fatima, and proposes to study Fatima from different perspectives, from History to Theology, from Sociology to Psychology, from Art and Patrimony.”

The interventions are divided in plenary conferences, thematic conferences and parallel communications proposed by investigators. This way, the Congress defies investigators to study the Fatima event, particularly through a profound reflexion over its sources with the right instruments of the different fields of knowledge. The communications submission period ends in December 2016. 

There are seven highlighted scientific areas in this congress: Fatima and the social dynamics; Fatima in the religious phenomenology perspective; the History of Fatima; Mariology in the written sources of Fatima;  Fatima and the prophetic and apocalyptic languages; the Spirituality and Theology of Fatima and the presence of Fatima over a hundred years.

The celebration of the centennial event of Fatima is an occasion to look over the history of Fatima and its religious, social, cultural and artistic implications, the religious and sociocultural impact of the apparitions inside and out the Portuguese frontiers; the influence of this phenomenon in the portuguese catholicism statement; the growing attention that Popes have been giving to Fatima projecting a global scale message; the reading keys that Fatima offers to a look over actuality are naturally themes that may potential new investigations. On the other hand, as a welcoming place for those who visit it, believers or non-believers, the Shrine of Fatima, becomes a privileged study of diverse phenomenon space such as popular religiosity, pilgrimage, votive practices and other themes particularly pertinent to the social and behavioural sciences.

The Congress Organizing Committee is presided by Professor João Duque, President of the Braga Regional Centre of the Portuguese Catholic University. The Scientific Committee is composed by 44 members of the most diverse fields of knowledge and from different latitudes.

During the Congress seven plenary conferences will be spoken: “History and Historiography of Fatima”, by Marco Daniel Duarte; “The theological axes from the message of Fatima”, by Eloy Bueno de La Fuente; “From Mariology to Fatima”, by Stella Morra; “Fatima and Rome”, by António Matos Ferreira; “Fatima in the context of the Mariophanies”, by Afonso Soares; “Hermeneutics of the three seers”, by Franco Manzi; “The place of Fatima in the reconfiguration of the religious phenomenon”, by Alfredo Teixeira and “Fatima as a promise”, by Monsignor Gianfranco Ravasi, which will be the closing conference. There will still be seven thematic conferences which will lead each communications panels proposed to the congress: “Fatima and practices of the territory”, by Graça Poças Santos; “Thaumaturgy in Fatima”, by Tiago Marques; “Fatima and the geography of conflict”, by Luis Salgado Matos; “The Apparitions of Fatima in the perspective of Mariological pneumatology”, by José Cristo Rey Garcia Paredes; “Fatima and political theology”, by João Manuel Duque; “Fatima and the ecumenical question”, by José Eduardo Borges de Pinho and “Fatima and the pastoral dynamics in Portugal”, by Paulo Fontes. The program is completed by parallel communications proposed to the Congress.




23 feb 2025

Rosary, in the Chapel of the Apparitions

  • 16h00

Mass, in Portuguese, in the Basilica of the Most Holy Trinity

  • 16h30
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