20 april, 2007

Solidarity of Portuguese Children

In letter sent to catechists and parish priests of Portugal, children were invited to say the Rosary or part of it daily, specially during the month of May, in groups if possible, for the intentions presented to the three little shepherds by Our Lady.
As symbol of the prayer said, each time a child or group of children pray for the intentions of Our Lady, they may make a ‘bead’ in card paper or other material, so as to make a ‘Rosary’, which the children will bring with them at the time of the Pilgrimage.
Besides the invitation to prayer, the children of Portugal were also invited to gather used printer inkstands and radiographs to turn them into money that will be donated to poor children, thus showing solidarity with them.
“We are convinced that, with this proposal, we are promoting the education of children not only in what pertains to prayer, but also solidarity with the big problems of mankind, with which Our Lady also showed solidarity, when She came with Her maternal solicitude to ask for our collaboration.Let us cooperate with Her and She will reward us”, said Fr. Baptista, from the organizing Committee of said



24 feb 2025

Mass, in Portuguese, in the Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima

  • 07h30

Rosary, in the Chapel of the Apparitions

  • 12h00
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