24 april, 2010

“Our hearts vibrate with profound joy”
At the invitation of the Shrine of Fatima, children and adolescents attending catechesis at the Parish of Fatima are preparing to welcome Pope Benedict XVI on May 12, in the afternoon.
The last details are being worked out, but already is certain that the parish where the Little Shepherd seers Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta were born, is preparing, under the overall supervision of Pastor Fr. Rui Marto, to bring its children and adolescents to greet Benedict XVI on arrival at the Shrine.
The Pastor of Fatima says: “The Church and specially our Parish vibrate with the joyful news of the coming of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI to our town. Ten years ago, the much missed Pope John Paul II came to visit us and declared Blessed our dear Francisco and Jacinta Marto, from Aljustrel”.
And he adds: “Our hearts vibrate with profound joy and wish to thank God and to receive, the best we know and can, beloved Pope Benedict XVI”.
Thus, the entire catechesis children and youth are preparing to receive Benedict XVI on his arrival at the Little Chapel, at 17h15 of May 12.
The organization is complex and, therefore, the Parish of Fatima is in charge of it, in straight cooperation with the Shrine. It includes priests, catechists, parents and also children and adolescents. In this act of greeting and thanking Benedict XVI for visiting Fatima, the children will be accompanied by their catechists and a doctor.
The wishes of Fr. Rui Marto are: “May Our Lady and the Little Shepherds lead us in this event and may our hearts feel the presence of Jesus in the Person He chose to succeed Peter”.



14 mar 2025

Rosary, in the Chapel of the Apparitions

  • 12h00

Mass, in Portuguese, in the Chapel of the Apparitions

  • 12h30
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