16 september, 2014

 Children invited to pray for the Pope, for the families and the world
In the afternoon of October 3rd, Friday, Fatima´s Shrine will be partner of Worldwide Children and Youth Holy Hour, "Children of the Eucharist", promoted by the International World Apostolate of Fatima. The event will be broadcasted (deferred) from Fatima to over 140 countries around the world via the American Catholic television station EWTN.
Prayer for the Pope, for the families and for the world gathers the main intentions of this action.
All willing children and young people are invited to be present at the Cova da Iria, and also their families, teachers and catechists, in particular those who live, study or work near the city. 
The Holy Hour, in the Little Chapel of Apparitions, may also be followed on line with live transmission provided by the Sanctuary of Fatima from the link #.
The gathering in the Chapel of Apparitions is scheduled for 15:45; the prayer service begins at 16:00 (Lisbon time) with the exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament, followed by Adoration and the recitation of the Rosary. 
"So, joined together, we invite children from around the world to participate in the 12th World Eucharistic Adoration, celebrated every year by the International World Apostolate of Fatima, to pray for His Holiness Pope Francis, and for peace in our families and in the world". Such is the invitation made by the Rector of the Sanctuary of Fatima, Fr. Carlos Cabecinhas, for participation in this initiative.
Just at the same time this moment of prayer is taking place in the Chapel of Apparitions, in Portugal, a group of children will also be in prayer in the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington D.C., United States of America.
"We invite all Catholic parishes and schools in the smaller towns and large cities, to begin planning the meeting of children and youth around the world before the Most Blessed Sacrament in their parish churches and in their chapels”, urges Fr. Carlos Cabecinhas in a message being transmitted also through EWTN station.
The International World Apostolate of Fatima is an association of the Catholic Church, which has several national centers all over the world. These are its main purposes: the promotion of the Catholic doctrine and teachings; adherence to the basic principles of the Gospel; personal sanctification of the members through the faithful fulfillment of Our Lady of Fatima message; and the furtherance of common good by dissemination of the Message itself.
For more information: www.childrenoftheeucharist.org

The message of the Rector: http://youtu.be/jYhFY15HJvY



19 mar 2025

Rosary, in the Chapel of the Apparitions, and candle procession in the Prayer Area

  • 21h30
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